Kodak 3D Imaging

Castlegar Dental Center continues to invest in innovative solutions, and we have introduced  Kodak 9000  3-D imaging into our office.  This unit provides 3 dimensional images that are similar to that of a CT (or "CAT") scan.



Technological advances, such as digital imaging systems, have significantly increased the level of detailed information available to practitioners while mitigating the level of patient radiation exposure. While oral health professionals have long relied on 2-D imaging for diagnosis and treatment planning, this technology typically requires multiple exposures, and with them, multiple doses of radiation.

Today, with a properly prescribed 3-D scan, practitioners have gained the ability to collect much more data – often with a single scan and potentially with a lower effective patient dose.

With cone beam computed tomography, oral health professionals gain a highly accurate 3-D image of the patient’s anatomy from a single scan. These 3-D images allow the practitioner to better diagnose and understand the true extent of dental disease, and they can provide for more appropriate treatment for patients.


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Castlegar Dental Centre
Dr. Singer|Dr. Urdang
Committed to Life Long Oral and Dental Health

Castlegar, British Columbia Dentists at Castlegar Dental Centre are dedicated to family dentistry such as Exams, Teeth Whitening, Veneers and more.

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